Stypendia rządu Japonii na studia magisterskie

waseda ips

Rząd Japonii funduje stypendia na studia magisterskie na Uniwersytecie Waseda 

Realizacja studiów rozpocznie się we wrześniu 2025 roku, ale już niebawem spotkanie informacyjne.

Przedstawiamy informacje otrzymane z Uniwersytetu Waseda:

We have posted the information for government-sponsored scholarship (MEXT) for September 2025 enrollees on the IPS website.

Japanese Government Scholarship Opportunities Entering September 2025


Additionally, we will be holding online information sessions during the following times in Japan Standard Time.

While the sessions are arranged by region, students are welcome to join at their convenience,we would appreciate it if you could inform your students.

Online information session for Japanese Government ScholarshipMEXTfor September 2025 Admission

 ・9/5 8:00 (JST)            North America

・9/11  18:00 (JST)        Asia

9/12  19:00 (JST)         Europe 

The Zoom information for the day is as follows.


Click the link below to join the webinar:

 Pass Code: 202409


We look forward to the participation of your students.