1. Preparation of the diploma thesis
Preparation of the diploma thesis |
Writing a thesis is a fairly complex undertaking and it is worth spending some time planning it. The materials collected in the following list may prove useful during the preparation and writing of the thesis: Jacek Wytrębowicz, How to Write a Good Thesis - Some Tips Jerzy Chrząszcz, How to write and defend a graduate thesis Andrzej Kraśniewski, Jak pisać pracę dyplomową (fragment materiałów z przedmiotu Techniki Prezentacji; in Polish) Komisja Dydaktyczna SSPW, Poradnik pisania pracy dyplomowej (in Polish) Formatting of the diploma thesis is another quite important issue. Since January 2017, the Rector's ordinance regulates the formatting of the diploma thesis and cover templates. You can get covers at the Institute's Didactic Secretariat. Information on the rules of formatting the diploma thesis (including cover page templates) is available on the Faculty's website: https://www.elka.pw.edu.pl/Studenci/Prace-dyplomowe (in Polish :) You can find shortened version of these regulations in English here: Formatting rules for diploma theses Mr. Artur Brodzki and Mr. Piotr Woźniak prepared a template in LaTeX, which greatly facilitates the preparation of properly formatted work. You can use it in the Overleaf environment: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/wut-thesis/vfvvdqztfqbt or download the template from the github repository: https://github.com/ArturB/WUT-Thesis/releases/ |